Working For You (WFY) Participants General Weight Loss Resources: Setting Goals and Action Plans SMART Goals and Program Goals (pdf)Starting Point Action Plan (pdf) Tracking Logs Tracking Sheets (pdf)Planning and Shopping (pdf) Healthy Eating Choose MyPlate (pdf)Tipsheet Choose MyPlate (pdf)Nutrition Label (pdf)New Nutrition Label (pdf)Meeting Your My Plate Goals On A Budget (pdf) Goals Specific Resources: 1. Steps Walking… A Step in the Right Direction (pdf)Find Time for Fitness (pdf) 2. Sugary Drinks Rethink Your Drink (pdf)Make Better Beverage Choices (pdf) 3. Healthy Breakfast How to Choose a Healthy Breakfast (pdf)Breakfast Ideas (pdf)Breakfast Recipe Ideas (pdf) 4. Purchased Food (Healthy meal choices) AIM for a Healthy Weight (pdf)Eat Well Away from Home (pdf) 5. Purchased Food (Limit at work) Healthy Brown Bag Lunches (pdf) 6. Free Food (Limit at work) Eat Well at Social Events (pdf)HEAT (pdf)Mindful Eating (pdf) 7. Purchased Food (Meals at home) Crockpot Recipes (pdf)Healthy Cooking and Snacking (pdf)Lean Recipes (pdf)Veggie Recipes (pdf) 8. Low-Fat Dairy Low-Fat Dairy Choices (pdf)10 Tips: Got Your Dairy Today (pdf)Low Fat Dairy Comparison to Regular Fat (pdf) 9. Fruits and Vegetables Fruit Recipes (pdf)Veggie Recipes (pdf)Storing Fruits and Veggies (pdf) 10. Vegetables Veggie Recipes (pdf)Sneaking Veggies into Meals (pdf)Storing Fruits and Veggies (pdf)MO Seasonal Veggies (pdf) 11. Whole Grains 12 Easy Recipes (pdf)Whole Grains Make a Difference (pdf)Make Half Your Grains Whole (pdf)Whole Grain Recipes (pdf) 12. High-Fat Meats Choose Lower Fat (pdf)Lean Recipes (pdf)Tips Protein Foods Group (pdf)Vary Your Protein Routine (pdf) 13. High-Calorie Snacks Healthy Snacks (pdf)Cope with Triggers (pdf)Mindful Eating (pdf)Snack Recipes (pdf) 14. Screen Time Snacking Cope with Triggers (pdf)Improve Your Strength (pdf)Mindful Eating (pdf) 15. Brisk Activity Find Time for Fitness (pdf)What Counts as Brisk Activity (pdf) 16. Self-Monitoring of Diet Tracking Food (pdf)Tracking Sheets (pdf)Planning and Shopping (pdf) 17. Added Calories Added Calories: Fats and Sugars (pdf)Cutting Calories (pdf)Healthy Cooking and Snacking (pdf)What Foods Fill Me Up (pdf) 18. Total Calories Reading a Nutrition Label (pdf) 19. Portion Control Portion Sizing (pdf)How Can I Control Portions at Home? (pdf)