NIOSH/CDC R01 OH008017-06; PI: Evanoff, Dale; 06/01/2004-05/30/2015
The overall aim of this study is to better understand important aspects of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS), a common disabling condition affecting working populations. This study will allow better definition of risk factors for CTS and the interplay between physical, personal, and psychosocial factors. It will address other important gaps in existing knowledge, including the natural history of CTS, the impact of CTS on work and functional outcomes, and the utility of current screening programs in industry.
Pilot Award
P30 DK092950; PI: Evanoff; 09/20/2011-07/31/2016
This study is funded through the Pilot and Feasibility Program of the Washington University Center for Diabetes Translation Research (CDTR). The project focuses on the lack of access to or participation in employer-sponsored wellness programs among racial/ethnic minority and low-income workers, a population with low success in weight reduction. We will evaluate social determinants of these disparities, barriers to participation, and the effectiveness of current worksite programs aimed at sustained weight reduction. Data from this study will drive subsequent workplace intervention studies aimed at low-income workers.
NIOSH/CDC U19 OH008858; PI: Dale; 07/01/2014-06/30/2015
The goal of this small pilot study is to evaluate the feasibility of using a participatory intervention approach to promote healthy eating, physical activity, and the use of ergonomic solutions among grocery store workers.
NIOSH/CDC R01 OH009712; PI: Rempel; 09/01/2010-08/31/2013
This study created the largest existing database on workplace risk factors for carpal tunnel syndrome by merging exposure and outcomes data from seven prospective studies. These data will allow the most precise estimates to date of the risk posed by work exposures, and allow calculation of quantitative dose-response relationships. This information will be used to design safer work practices to reduce risks of carpal tunnel syndrome.
NIEHS/NIH R01 ES013743; PI: Racette; 02/03/2007-11/30/2011The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between lifetime welding exposure and clinical and biomarkers of Parkinsonism in a cohort of shipyard workers
NCI/NIH 5P50CA905815007; PI: Kreuter; 09/01/2009-08/31/2010
The project helped prevent cancer by encouraging smoking cessation among union construction workers, a population with high smoking rates and strong cultural norms that encourage continued smoking. By better defining cultural beliefs and attitudes that support the maintenance of smoking, we designed communication strategies that encourage participation in smoking cessation programs.
NIOSH/CDC R01 OH008254; PI: Buccholz; 09/01/2006-08/31/2010
This study was designed with a focus on the risk of osteoarthritis and other chronic knee conditions associated with chronic biomechanical exposures to the lower limb. We developed and evaluated methods to: 1) identify and characterize incident cases of knee disoreders in the Carpenters’ Combined Benefits Fund of Massachusetts and the Carpenters’ Health and Welfare Trust Fund of St. Louis medical insurance records; and 2) assess a diverse range of exposures occurring in carpenters’ jobs through observational analyses in the field.
NIOSH/CPWR U54 OH008307; PI: Evanoff; 08/01/2004-06/30/2009
The overall goal of this proposal was to evaluate the effectiveness of fall protection training methods in the apprenticeship carpenters’ program.
NIH/NCI 1 R21 CA161169; PI: Evanoff; 09/26/2011-08/31/2014
This project contributed to public health by testing innovative health communication strategies to reduce smoking in a high-risk population. If successful, the new methodologies for smoking cessation used in this study can be extended to other blue-collar workers in order to reduce health disparities that exist between different worker populations.
NIOSH/CPWR U60 OH0097622; PI: Evanoff; 09/01/2009-08/31/2014
The aims of this grant were to 1) Explore the benefits and barriers to use of commercially available fall prevention technologies, and promote the use of underutilized technologies; 2) Implement and measure the effects of a communication-based safety intervention, and 3) Evaluate on-the-job fall protection safety training.
NISH/CPWR U60 OH00972; PI: Welsh; 09/01/2009-08/31/2014
The overall goal of this proposal was to reduce work-related musculoskeletal disorders in the construction industry through a participatory ergonomics intervention to improve the adoption and diffusion of existing methods to reduce high-risk physical exposures. Study outcomes include musculoskeletal symptoms, reductions in physical exposures, dissemination of changes in work practices and safety technologies.