Opioid Awareness Training
Connect with our team to learn more about implementing this training at your workplace.
Opioid Resources
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) –
1-800-663-HELP (4357) - Time 2 Act MO
- Prevent+Ed (previously NCADA)
- Learn to COPE – 508-738-5148
- SHATTERPROOF™ – 1-800-597-2557
- Iowa Region of NA
- Your Life Iowa – Call: (855) 581-8111; Text: (855) 895-8398
- In The Rooms –
- Iowa Department of Public Health – Programs and Services
Communication Tips For the Worksite:
- Directness: Give direct feedback about substance use and problems that you observe.
- “I don’t know if you’re struggling with [alcohol, pills, etc.], but you seem pretty out of it.”
- Understanding: Be warm, respectful and understanding.
- “I know you have a lot going on, but I don’t want things to get worse.”
- Ownership: Acknowledge that responsibility for change is theirs and be encouraging.
- “It’s up to you, but I know you can kick this thing.”
- Offer some options:
- “There’s an AA meeting at the union hall.”
Tips for the Doctors Office:
- Ask if prescribed medication is an opioid
- Talk about substances you or your family members may struggle with
- Describe your work and ask if medications could be unsafe at work
- Ask about alternatives to opioids, including physical therapy and skills for pain management