Please join us Wednesday, April 29, 2020 at 3:00 PM (CDT) for a webinar announcing the release of the Total Worker Health® Employer Guide: COVID-19 Edition. Developed based on case studies of Midwest employers, the Guide describes innovative approaches and lessons learned by industry leaders. Using these case studies as examples, the webinar will highlight best practices and resources that support employee well-being, policies that address remote worker hazards, and strategies to prepare for return-to-work during and after the pandemic. The Covid-19 Employer Guide is the product of a collaboration of the St. Louis Area Business Health Coalition (BHC), the Nebraska Safety Council, the University of Kansas Medical Center and the Healthier Workforce Center of the Midwest. The webinar is your opportunity to take a first look at this new employer tool.
Attendance is free but we strongly encourage participants to register ahead of the event. To register, please click on the link below.